Caring Hands: the Quandaries & Chronicles of a Body Removal Technician


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I imagine it's not often someone walks in off the street and volunteers to pick up dead people. I later learn that we don't refer to it as "picking up dead people".

I got an application and turned it in the next day. My new boss emailed me back saying I would be a great fit for their team, no interview necessary.


A zine about working on the front lines of the death industry--as a body removal technician. The first ones on the scene when a funeral home receives word there's been a death, body removal techs are responsible for doing just that: picking the deceased up from wherever they are and transporting them to the funeral home. Self-admitted "secret goth" Hazel tells all about the nuts and bolts of the industry and good deaths, sad deaths, mundane deaths, and interesting deaths she saw on the job with nothing but respect and wonder for the world of grief & what it means to us all.

Great for deathlings and the morbidly curious, this sweet, sensitive little perzine offers insight to one of the most unique, unseen jobs we'll all encounter sooner or later. Get it and peek behind the veil!

This zine is 32 pages, quarter size (4.25 x 5.5"), text heavy, typed, collaged, and photocopied.



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