Caboose #13: The Connection Issue


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Connection as in "the heart-to-hearts we make with other humans" and also "the technology that enables us to talk to each other when we're apart"--get it!??! get it?!???

This issue of Caboose was written during the pandemic and features pieces on lockdown at-home virtual dance parties, karaoke & ways people have adapted it for These Unprecedented Times (including an interview with Eamon Daly--the unsung karaoke hero of the pandemic, who's developed software to facilitate the karaoke experience with as-close-to-the-bar-as-possible feel from the germ-free privacy of yr own home), the agony of digitizing one's old college radio shows & what it means to be cringe, Liz's childhood zine, and Contact (yes, THAT Contact) with little sips of life from the Quimby's driver's seat (because like home karaoke software programmers, Liz as bookstore steward has been working tirelessly through all kinds of lockdown to keep all of those twiddling their thumbs at home sane, which makes the whole "we're all in this together!!" narrative feel super weird cuz frankly, we're all not) tucked in between.

Every issue of Caboose feels like a back-of-the-diner conversation with yr most insightful, hilarious, and niche-interested old friend & that's super fitting for an issue about connection. I personally can't wait for the light at the end of the tunnel so I can have these conversations over wacky pizza-by-the-slice and weird sodas with Liz again and buds and strangers and passers-by and anyone who will listen. Zoom is not the same.

This zine is a chonky 48 pages, half size (5.5 x 8.5"), text heavy (typed), and printed in b&w with fun clipart & bright pink cardstock covers!



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