Cul-De-Sac #7: The Adult Geek Issue


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A text-heavy zine twenty years in the making, written by childhood best friends about all the topics that plague adult weirdos everywhere: the differences between adjacent subcultures, pop culture fixations, D&D group breakups (a 2 parter), ANCIENT. MOTHERFUCKING. ALIENS. (yes the show that meme is from), miscarriages, David Tennant, Carrie Fisher (& her dog), not being able to tell the difference between wax figures and just dead people covered in wax, immortality, growing older, the concept of one's "legacy" or "life's work".

A mix of goofy & serious, emotional & heavy & hilarious & nostalgic. Liz (Mason) & Julie (Halpern) are excellent writers and cultural observers and going out for pizza with them both at the same time must be an absolute trip.

10/10, would drink grown-up beverages on a deck with.

This zine is 48 pages, half size, typed with clipart inclusions, photocopied & stapled.



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