Caboose #1


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Bad job interviews! Being the pukey kid in class! Breathe-Right strips! Horrible family RV trips as a child! Hello Kitty says workers' rights!

Welcome to the world of Caboose, Liz Mason's eclectic, charming perzine about nothing but also everything. She's funny! She's smart! She's got a range of interests as deep and broad as the sea!! Every issue is like getting to sit down on your cool friend's couch while they show you all the stuff they've been up to and this one (all the way from 2002! we got that good o.g. vintage perzine shit!!) is no exception.

Caboose #1 is a mix of childhood anecdotes and good info (Breathe-Right strips do, in fact, fucking rock) with a long essay with all the juicy dirt on being a lifetime Sanriophile somehow turned loose as an employee of Chicago's first Sanrio Store.

It's whip-smart, it's hilarious, it's relatable. This is what it means to be a perzine. All the other perzines can watch and learn, cuz Liz is a great teacher.

This zine is 48 pages, quarter size (4.25 x 5.5), typed, littered with weird clipart, and printed in b&w with color cardstock covers!



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