Hey Mister Superstar


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A collection of seventeen months of instagram messages shouted into the void from somebody desperately looking for something to believe in to the only person that could possibly understand--Marilyn fucking Manson.

Heartbreaking, painfully true, off-the-cuff missives about cadaver lawyers, eating disorders, Agatha's worsening mental state and desperation following electroshock therapy, trauma, self-harm, and the self-destructive tendencies we use to get as far the fuck away from ourselves as possible. But also crushes, tiny scraps of validation, fleeting hope, and the things that keep us alive much to our own disappointment, all collaged in Agatha's signature style and wrapped up in sincerity and real life experience.

This isn't an easy read, but god we've all been there. It's tender and raw and vulnerable and itches like an exposed bruise and it's so beautiful in how much it hurts because that means we're not alone, none of us are alone, we're all going through the same bullshit and we're somehow out walking around and that means we're strong and unstoppable and isn't that fucking amazing.

To Agatha, since Manson won't write back:
Thank you for staying alive. Thank you even more for sharing. I love you.

This zine is 44 pages, quarter size (4.25 x 5.5), b&w, typed, fully collaged, photocopied and stapled. By Agatha Thrash.



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