Brainscan #34: A Dabbler's Week of DIY Witchery


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From Alex:

"In January 2020 there was an article/review of a witchcraft book where the author attempted to become a witch in a week by following the ideas in the book. They came to the conclusion that modern witches were anti-vax climate and change deniers.

The internet witches freaked out! One clever witch asked what someone should actually do to dabble in witchcraft for a week. Some witches set out to answer that question and this is a zine version of my answer.

To me, a big part of studying witchcraft is changing your perspective and seeing the world a little differently. I propose daily activities that starts with cleaning your room, simple energy exercises, what correspondences are how they might work, what animism is, a couple simple spells, and more all told in a conversational non-authoritative tone."

This zine is 48 pages, quarter size (4.25 x 5.5"), typed, fully collaged in black & white throughout, photocopied, stapled, and has a color-printed cardstock cover with complimentary art inside.



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