

Sold Out


They treat teenage girls like they don't know shit.
This is the reality we built.

Heartbreaking, surreal-because-it's-too-real little zine that hits like a brick to the chest for people who grew up on Geocities & Livejournal, entrenched in friendships that veered into a bond deeper than blood with people to whom you could say "you were the love of my life, you were my life" and absolutely mean it. It's a zine about girl friendship, growing up, the suburbs, the internet, art (making it), music (consuming it, trading it, using it to reach out & touch people's hearts), and the manic desperation of teenagerhood.

Absolutely vital. Highly recommend.

This zine is 16 pages, quarter size (4.25 x 5.5"), text heavy (typed), and a mix of b&w and color! By Allie Rae/warglitter.



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