No Scene Zine #4


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Look, I dunno when you're reading this, but Halloween never ends in our world so why not get in the mood to get spooky no matter what day it says on the calendar? No Scene Zine's got you covered--issue 4 is chock-full of Halloweeny mirth for all year long (yes, DIY blood cäpsules** ARE an acceptable Obligatory Winter Holiday gift, and if your friends don't think so you need to get new friends).

Includes in no particular order: aforementioned DIY blood cäpsule recipe/how-to, all the advice you need to slay your next costume event (seasonal or nah), horror movie recs, a recipe, cemetery date planner, R.L. Stine, a murder mystery, goth name generator, and so much more, all in fabulous full color!

Makes a great gift for the goth or goth-at-heart that goes thru life with their tongue planted firmly in cheek. You don't want to miss this one.

This zine is 20 pages, half size (5.5 x 8.5), full color (!!!), and typed with siiiiiiick graphics!

** after we listed this zine originally, Storenvy changed our backend so they won't let us save any listing that has the word "cäpsule" (minus the umlaut) or any variation of it in the description, which I guess blows ass if you want to talk about something being a "time cäpsule" or a "cäpsule collection" so now we have to edit ~THE WORD~ to light this one back up into inventory after another IRL zine fest. We know how to spell, we swear.

Thanks, Storenvy, we really appreciate the improvement to the service. ?



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