Do You Still Hate Me?


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"Since Sarah moved, it's a strange new feeling to pick up my phone to ask someone to hang out. I don't want to be rejected. But it's way more simple than that, it's not even rejection. For whatever reason, I have it in my head that making plans makes me seem needy. This isn't actually the case, and deep down, I know this, but I'm still afraid."

Simple, all-text zine that's an up-close raw personal view of anxiety--Maira working through their shit in realtime, hoping anybody out there connects.

Powerful stuff. Read to feel less alone.

This zine is 12 pages, all handwritten, half size (5.5 x 8.5) & photocopied and comes with a trigger warning for drugs & self-harm. Stay safe out there.

The current batch of this zine is on a mix of neon brights & white paper, your copy's color will selected at random. Woo!



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