Cul-de-Sac #8: Past Lives


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And because of [COVID], the articles in this issue feel a little of the past. Liz and I wrote them months before the shit hit the universal fan, and each day since the world has changed dramatically. People are dying. people are being killed. People are protesting. People are refusing to wear masks. People are stupid as fuck. People are beautiful. --Julie, in the intro

Cul-de-sac is Liz (of Caboose & Quimby's) & Julie's best-friends perzine with a pop culture lean that's been running since the dawn of time. This issue's all about past lives--bagel joints that have ceased to exist, the death of Toys R Us & a whole entire relationship over The Matrix, Supernatural ("the TV show, not like ghosts and shit") fan cons & actually just nerd cons in general, the dance movies of Liz's youth, and a horrifyingly close call of an airplane shart situation--of things that have either been lost to time naturally (the bagel joint) or had their demise hastened (or at least their existence put on hold) by the pandemic (cons, travel, irl friendship). Lots of sweet touching moments and things that'll make you shriek with laughter loud enough to startle your cat and want to be the third prong in this friendship when it's safe enough to go sit in breakfast joints again.

Read this one & take a trip down memory lane & think about what maybe coulda been & feel less alone. Stay safe out there. Be excellent to each other.

This zine is 36 pages, half size (5.5 x 8.5"), text heavy (typed), and printed in b&w with fun clipart & bright yellow cardstock covers!



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