Unfair Maiden #2: The Demiboy Issue


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I don't know what my goal is with transitioning. But I do know what my goal is with this zine. I want to come to terms with my experience of gender, become more comfortable with calling myself a demiboy without shame, and try to get to a point that I'm self-assured enough that thinking about gender isn't frightening anymore.

Joan of Arc, testosterone, name changes, assholes, flag theory, learning to define, tough femmes & gentle mascs & the righteous anger of living: this zine has it all. Unfair Maiden #2 takes us through The Gender as Wesley experiences it, and how finding himself was wrapped up in those few rocket-to-the-moon months of fresh new adulthood & gothiness & pop culture (is history pop culture?? what about historical figures that have become mythical in proportion???), with a specific soft spot for baby goths & baby queers & everyone who's ever felt just plain weird.

Good for fans of: Fragile Like A Rubber Ball, Every Thug Is A Lady, the coolest kid that works at your local Spencers Gifts.

This zine is 28 pages, half size (5.5 x 8.5"), and laid out in meatspace with a mixture of typed/handwritten text and collaged/cartooned art. Amazing double cover by Ayshe-Mira Yashin, plus bonus handwritten minizine by Wesley's sister Lynn, all for two bucks??!? This is the fresh hot deal of the century.

A real ziney zine for zine lovers and gender weirdos. Two thumbs up from us.



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