I've Got a Number of Irrational Fears That I'd Like to Share With You
"anxiety is a motherfucker I've been dealing with for most of my life."
A follow up to Do You Still Hate Me?, this is a zine about anxiety--what helps, what doesn't, what Maira's particular brand of screwed-up-brain looks like, and the progress they've made. Because we make zines to feel less alone, and talking it out helps.
A perzine of the truest sort--just someone like you letting it fly onto the page so it can get launched into the world where it's easier to cope with.
Maira's a rock star.
This zine is 24 pages, all handwritten, half size (5.5 x 8.5) & photocopied and comes with content warnings for weed, body image, suicidal ideation, brief mention of sexual assault, anxiety. Stay safe out there.
Availability (sold out)